I am on top of the Katrina thing now.

hi... i have heard reports of a big hurricain hitten new orlenes. and now i want you all to kno i am cuttin my vacation short two days and comin back to the white house.
now when i was enjoin my vacaton i looked at the wether channel a couple times a day to get the wether for my bike rides... and i saw there was a real big hurricain comin. and i asked if the huricane was comin into craw ford today and they said no so i went on my bike ride.
but boy it sure does look like a big mess down there now. so now i am gonna get back to work. and you no that means its a real serious situation. like this one summer i was on vacation and i got this pdb about bin laden getten a attack ready and i stayed on my vacation. because i need my vacations so i can have a real balanced life and make crisp desishons.
they say it was the levees brakin but i no the levees are real strong... i was able to move federal money from the levees to iraq... to use the money to fite for freedom.
and i am havin don rumsfeld run this whole operation... so you no it is gonna go good. bye for now.