We're going to brazen it out.

hi... you no i have bin travelin all over this grate contry to go to the eleschins... an i am gonna win the eleshin be cause of my real good leader ship... america nows that i am the only one that is bold and resoloot enouf to keep them safe... be cause i go on the ofensive and never change my mine about it no mater what happins next... that is what a real stron leader like me does.
now i have got real good aids helpin me... dick... an rummy... and they are doin a real good job... manigin all the wars.. an they are gonna stay on as long as i am in offise.
i no that some uppity peple are sayin... opine ing... that i shold get rid of rummy... well... i am not gonna do that... be cause i did not make any mistakes... an dick tole me that... if rummy goes then they will go after him next... and that is what the terorists want... they are puttin these real bad picshures on the t v screen to make it look lik... like we are losin the war... but we are not it is all to inflinse the elechsins... an you are all juest helpin the terorists get what they want...
i have bein sayin that if we lose this war we are in real big troubl... so that proves we will win it... the only way to lose is to get out of the sitschuation be fore we win it. an that is jest waht the terorists want... they are atackin us so we will leve there contry... well we are not gonna leave it... an that is how we win...
now ther are some people... dem o crat party... who want us to pull out be fore the job is done... well... wat are you a dummy... why do the dem o crats love terorists so much... they do not unnerstan the threat... wich will get real emboldined if we do not stay in there... on teh ofensive.
look every body new this was gonna hapen... be cause this al ways happens with a war they take a whole bunch of years... we have gotta stay in iraq until it can stick togeter and defend it self from forin fiters... you saw how easy it was to invade it... it took us like... three weeks... they have got to get there act togeter over there... and we have to stay as long as it takes... and we will... some fushure pres i dent is gonna pull out of iraq... be cause i shure as shit am not gonna do it... un less we win real soon... wich i cant say for shure...
be cause we did not antispiate the dificulty... so you cant blame us for not nowin this wold happen... no body new so how can you blame us god dam it..
bye for now
heh heh...those stupid demoncrats can't even tell a joke....heh...
how dare they insult my dog! I did not have sex with my dog! heh heh...
Dick! Dick! come here and help me! heh heh.... I love saying that...
Dear Leader, you will win everything because GOD loves you.
This blog is incredible!
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