Pray for victory.

hi... well you no it is sunday agin so it is time for another thot about baby jesus... who lives in my hart and is the one true god.
baby jesus likes it wen you do the stuff he sais and he likes to be praised and stuff... and he gets mad if you dont do what he says and he makes hurricains and stuff.
and what baby jesus wants you to do now is support the war and support yer dear leader... and dont make him mad be cause he will inflict you.
so i want all good americans to go down to your local chuch and get down on your nees and preay to baby jesus for victory
and all the armies will get a baby jesus on the end of a long stick... and they will carry the baby jesus stick at the head of there armies wen they go out to do batle with the emeny. and it will shoot out fire bolts and stuff and owr armys will be invinsible wich means they cant be defeeted.
bye for now ps sorry about the late post but there was still a lot of wisky and stuff left over from thanks givin. bye and prey real hard for dear leader.