I will stay the course I have set for America.

hi... peopl keep askin me about the polls... and why they are so low. well... people is unsetled be cause of the war... war is real sower... and be causue it is a time of war it just makes thhe peopole unsettled... cant do any thing about that it is just the way it is with the war times.
and so it doesnt have any thing to do with me... i am doin a real good job... i extendidd my tax cuts and the stock markit is doin reael good... but no won wants to talk about that... they want to talk abaout the war... and all that war talk... it is makin the peopl sowr wen... wen they shold be thankin me real good.
and we are not gonna fail... in the war be cause we are gonna stay in their until we win... and we aint won it yet but the progres is gettin real good. evrey day it gets beter over their.
bye for now