I am the decider.

hi... you no i am hearin lots of peopl who are tryin to make me channge my deshishins.. like with the war and torchure cells and spyin... and secresy a nd bribes annd stuff like that.
well i am the desider arounn here... i dont no if you notised but after 9 11 i seezed absolute power... and i dint have to ask anyone if it was ok i just seezed it... be cause of the emergincy.
and i am gonna keep my power... so i had to distroy any rivals who mite have power too... like the cia... and the congres and the media.. and the cort juges and the u n... and the sientists. and they all take orders from me now.
and you have to go a long with it be cause i am doin it to keep america safe... so you cant critisize... ha ha it shur is fun bein the desider...
bye for now
p s you cant impeech me be cause there is a war goin on... an any way i wold just take that power too... to keep america safe from the war. bye
It is the truth, the way Bush really thinks (and spells!)
It is the truth, the way Bush really thinks (and spells!)
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