Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I had a nice visit with the new Prime Minister of Iraq.

hi... you no i like it when forn leaders come to washin ton... to set a spell and talk about freedom an stuff... wich they do be cause i am so good at it. and this week it was the presidint of iraq... maliki i call him leaky maliki...

any way he was sayin how bad the security sichuation was over there... how he dont even control his own capitol... and he was real worid. so i sed leeky.. things is gettin better over there all the time so dont wory... we have got enuf force to deal with the circim stanses over there.

and he was beggn for more troops to keep the security in bag dad... so i tole him it was up to the comanders on the groun... be cause i am the leader with the big vishin for fredom i leve the deteails up to the grownd comanders...

and he said he didnt want to go back to bag dad and he could run the gover mint from washin ton... and he was beggin me to let him stay an not send him back... and i tole him he has to go back so he can fite the insergensy be cause i was sure as shit not gonna do it.

so it as a real nice visit i had.

bye for now.

ps i got a briefin from teh grown commandr over there that we dont have no more reserves so we are jest gonna move troops over from some other part of iraq... an then he started pukin... dam them pennagon people sure like pukin... bye

Monday, July 24, 2006

Freedom is on the march.

hi... i have got a messige for all the dick taters and teroirists out there... i am ready to exsept your un con dishinal surrender. be cause they are all real scared that i have got fredom on the march under my real good leader ship... it is marchin in iraq and in isreal too... and the dick taters is all real scared of all the sucsess my polisies are havin... so they better surender or i will liberate them real good.

now they say that wars kill peopl and stuff... and that makes it bad. well... it is real hard to make demo crasy.. and wen a contry gets it there is bombs goin off and stuff... and peopl die but it is real good be cause that is wat makes freedom... we are gona keep fitin the war until all the tirrany is gone... that is just the birth pains of fredom... and i give birth to freedom real good.

bye for now

Thursday, July 20, 2006

We are making progress in Iraq.

hi... you no i like talkin to the comanders on the groun over there... in iraq... about all the progress that is goin on... and i was talkin to them today and they say that an they say that attacks in the capital is up forty persent...

now i no that sume of you think... after three years of fitin that we should be controllin the capital by now... well... if you think that then you are just a silly dreamer... who wants a perfict world... well it is not a perfict world...

we are makin progress over there... but it is not the kind were you win militarily it is a difrent kind of progres... called incri mental progress... wher we just kinda keep a lid on things until the new govermint is ready to take over.... and that is gonna be real soon i am not gonna say when... be cause there never was a war that you win on a time table... and you just wait be cause evenshually iraq is gonna be a real good peaseful demo crasy and there is no way to stop it... and i am gonna take credit for it wen it happens... but it mite not hapen in our life times... so every one rememmer that it was me who started all this... so you can give me credit later on... in the histry books.

bye for now

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I am meeting with foreign leaders.

hi... you no i have bin over here in yerp for the v8 confrinse... it is part of my job as presidint to meet with forn leaders... and i like meetin with them be cause they have to look up to me... there contry is always smaller that america and not as good... and they look to me for leader ship... and that always makes the day real good when i can come in and show wat a real good leader i am...

well... lately when i meet with a forin leader they act all snooty... like there is somethin funny goin on and they are not lettin me in on the joke... and it gets real irritatin...

like wen i met putin at the v8... he is the presidint of rushia and i call him pooty poot... my aids have been tellin me he is gettin to mush power over there... and they need more democrisy... which i am real good at... so i tole him that democrasy is on the march... like it is in iraq... and he better be gettin a real good democrasy too... and pooty poot said... he dosent want a demo crasy like iraq... and every one laffed... and this was in front of the cameras too...

boy that shure is irritatin... i think i am gona libberate rushia like i did with iraq... an i will show him who is the demo crasy leader aroun here...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

This is the day we celebrate our freedom.

well it is the forth of july agin... and the hole contry has a big party for me... be cause i am presidint. and i get fire works and stuff... and big plains fly over and... it is fun... i like bein presidint...

now i rememmer wen they tole me we beet al gore in cort and that i was the presidint now... i had a big meetin with dick cheny and a bunch of aids... an they tole me about there plan for a real strong executive... that i wold have all the power...

an wen 9 11 happined... well... that was all the excuse we needed to seze the power... so america can be safe... and no one can stand aginst that...

any way i had this dreeam last nite... there was these guys... thousans of em... who were wearin real funny clothes like in olden times.... and some of em had wigs... some of em had these triangle hats on... and lots of em was caryin these old rifles... and lots of em was woonded... some of em was carryin there own heds... or had a rope aroun there neck... and they all looked real mad and they started yellin at me... and i could not here wat they was sayin... but i think they was sayin yer doin a real good job...

heh heh any way it is time for me to get redy for the big forth of july party... bye for now.