This is the day we celebrate our freedom.

well it is the forth of july agin... and the hole contry has a big party for me... be cause i am presidint. and i get fire works and stuff... and big plains fly over and... it is fun... i like bein presidint...
now i rememmer wen they tole me we beet al gore in cort and that i was the presidint now... i had a big meetin with dick cheny and a bunch of aids... an they tole me about there plan for a real strong executive... that i wold have all the power...
an wen 9 11 happined... well... that was all the excuse we needed to seze the power... so america can be safe... and no one can stand aginst that...
any way i had this dreeam last nite... there was these guys... thousans of em... who were wearin real funny clothes like in olden times.... and some of em had wigs... some of em had these triangle hats on... and lots of em was caryin these old rifles... and lots of em was woonded... some of em was carryin there own heds... or had a rope aroun there neck... and they all looked real mad and they started yellin at me... and i could not here wat they was sayin... but i think they was sayin yer doin a real good job...
heh heh any way it is time for me to get redy for the big forth of july party... bye for now.
:) I love this blog. you will get more traffic, just keep making posts.
Dear Leder, I don't know who those guys were in your drem but they were probably traitors who want you to surrender to the enmy. Otherwise why would they be yelling at Dear Ledere.?
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