I am meeting with foreign leaders.

hi... you no i have bin over here in yerp for the v8 confrinse... it is part of my job as presidint to meet with forn leaders... and i like meetin with them be cause they have to look up to me... there contry is always smaller that america and not as good... and they look to me for leader ship... and that always makes the day real good when i can come in and show wat a real good leader i am...
well... lately when i meet with a forin leader they act all snooty... like there is somethin funny goin on and they are not lettin me in on the joke... and it gets real irritatin...
like wen i met putin at the v8... he is the presidint of rushia and i call him pooty poot... my aids have been tellin me he is gettin to mush power over there... and they need more democrisy... which i am real good at... so i tole him that democrasy is on the march... like it is in iraq... and he better be gettin a real good democrasy too... and pooty poot said... he dosent want a demo crasy like iraq... and every one laffed... and this was in front of the cameras too...
boy that shure is irritatin... i think i am gona libberate rushia like i did with iraq... an i will show him who is the demo crasy leader aroun here...
Cheer up, Dear Leader. They're only being mean because they're jealous.
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »
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