I will not cut and run from Iraq.

hi... you no i am real mad rite now... be cause i herd that my genrals were sayin... that iraq mite go into a sivil war... and that makes me real mad... be cause things is gettin better over there all the time.. so why are they talkin about civil war.
so i had a big meetin with them... and rummy and a bunch of other peopl... and i was real mad... and i tole them i dont want to here any more sivil war talk...
and the genrals tole me that if there is a civil war we are gonna have to pull out of the contry... and i started yellin real lowd... be cause that is cut and run talk.. and i am not gonna cut an run from iraq i am gonna win the war... so i gave them there orders... they have to stay over there until we win it... an if it is a civil war then god dam it we have to win the sivil war... and i am not gonna take any excuses...
an they all just looked at me like i was crasy... i did not even get a yes mr presidint... and i got up and left the room...
it makes me real mad wen my genrals are dis loyal to there dear leader... they have got to follow orders and that is that... it is the kind of leader ship that i provide... that says go win it... an i dont care if it dont look realistic... be cause i have a real good vishin for the world of no terany any where and i am usin my mightly military power to make it happen...
an i dont like it wen peoiple look at me like i am crazy... i am not crasy and i never make a mistaek... that is wat makes me a real good leader for america...
bye for now and follow yer dear leaders orders real good