Tonight I will acknowledge doubts about my strategy in Iraq.

i am workin real hard on the speach i am giving tonite on tv that is gonna reassure america that i know what i am doin in iraq.
And it is real hard work writin a sppech because there is so much that has to go in it.
like i am supposed to acknolege that there are people who have doubts about iraq. and i says i will acknowlege there are some liberal terrorris lovers in this country who want to see terrorris on every street and in church too. and they are spreadin doubts that i dont know what i am doing in iraq.
but i will explain that freedom is real hard and it is worth it and only a liberal like michal more would be against freedom and say i dont know what i am doing in iraq.
and another thing there are a lot of people walkin around the white house with frowny faces and i say i want more optimism if i go down a lot of people are goin down with me. and i hope that is clear.