Thursday, October 26, 2006

I will keep a high profile.

hi... you no i believe a lot of things... and on of the things that i be lieve is that... it is real importint for me to keep remindin america... that i am keepin them safe... be cause there hasnot been any atacks since 9 11... an peopl mite get the idea that they are safe... well... we are not safe... ... we are safer... but not safe yit... see...

so i have started the big war of my generrashin... be cause the twenny first senchury is gonna be a real big war... aginst the extremist islams that like to kill the innosints... and we hvae to keep fitin it and fitin it un til we will pre vail... so i have left my mark on the senshury all reddy.

an i have givin my orders for great big picshures of me to be put up in evry town skware... and all the govermint bildins too... an... i am gonna have my suporters do parades and stuff... with the big picshures of me... so peopl of america are gonna be reminded of me and how i keep them safe...

bye for now... and you beter put a pichsure of me up in yore house too... bye

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

We will win the elections.

hi... you no i sure do like my job as presidint... it is my job to keep america safe... by tellin peopl what i think and not lettin any body say no... they have to do it... be cuase that is the sistim we have here in america... and it is a real good sistem.

there are some peopl... who want to influinse my desishins... an i think it is real cute wen they do that... but it is not cute if they are dis loyil and are tryin to get out of folowin my orders... be cause that is not good for america.

now we have got a eleshin comin up in... two or three months... an i am lookin forward to it... be cause i do eleshins real good. an i diserve to be elected agin be cause i do a real good job at keepin america safe... an i dont let any body say no to my desishins wich is waat a real strong leader like me does.

and i promiss the american peoiple... that if they elect me agin... i will find out who started that war in iraq... i am pretty shure it was bill clintin... but wen i get re electid i will have more time to find the mistery out... an i am gonna call the mistery machine... scooby scooby doo were are you ha ha i shure love that show...

any way you better suport my elecshins or may be i will quit keepin america safe so much... an the terorists will get you. an i am just gonna laff be cause you did not suport me hard enouf. so you bettr get out their and vote the strait repblicin tickit or i will inflict you real bad.

bye for now

Friday, October 20, 2006

My strategy is to win.

hi... you no one thing about bein presidint is that a lot of peopl want to meet with me... and i like meetin with them be cause it is a real great onor to meet me and... i like that.

so today i was playin my video game wen rummy and a couple of genrals wanted to meet with me... and i sed ok genrals hows it hangin... and they saed we had to talk about iraq... and i like talkin about it be cause it shows how i am a real good war leader...

so the genral saed remmemmer wen we were talkin about bag dad... and how we have gotta take the city... and i dint rememmer but anyway... he saed that we failed to take it... an that the operashin has hit the wall... an that the citys were we pull the troops from for the bag dad operashin are startin to fall to the insergincy... and we need more troops... but we dont have any moer so he is recomendin that we start pullin out... be cause there is no point any more.

an i sed wat about the iraqi army we are standin up... and the other genril that was there sed that it is gonna take twenny years or more to stand it up and there is no way it is gonna work... that we have got to get out...

so i tole them not to worry... be cause makin freedom is real hard... an some times wars are gonna go on for... like two or three years... so we have just gotta have the pashinse and we will win be cause that is my stratigy for iraq... and i am determind to see it thru even if i am the only won who thinks we are winnin... and rummy started cryin...

it is my legisy to the american peopl that there is not gonna be any tirany any more... an we are gonna win...

bye for now

p s there is some people that is worried about the elecshins... but i am not woried be cause we are gonna win them too... and any way i took all the power away from congriess any way so who cares about the elecshins...