I will do whatever it takes to keep America safe.

hi... you no i have a real big responsiblity keepin america safe... and 9 11 jest shows how much i need to do it. an no one else is allowed to do it.
i was talkin about it with my lawyer al gonzoles... and he tole me that i have all the power i want if am usin it for nashinial security. and i can do any thin i want an no one can stop me.
so i asked him if i could invade contries and stuff and bom em and he said yes for shur... and i said can i ordere peopole killed and locked up for life he said yes...
and i said how about if congres and the cort judge donnsnt vote the rite way can i use my powers on em... and he sed yues if i am doin it to keep america safe...
and i seid... can i cancel elecshins and stuff if i am doin it to keep america safe... and he had to thinkn about that one but he saed i think so...
so i jest mite have to canceil the eleshins until it is safe for americins to go to the polls... ha ha it sure is fun bein the president
This notion seemed utterly implausible to me at one time. "Can't happen in America", is what I would have said to anyone offering up the idea for serious discussion. That was before....
Well if it would protect our FREEDOMS from attack by Osama then I would think that cancelling elections would be a good thing to do.
Yeah, might as well cancel them. Sadly, the past couple havn't really fostered much faith in our present system anyway. At least, not for me. Electoral college? Bogus and outdated. Floriduh and O-high-o? What a joke...on the rest of us.
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