We are prepared to hold Iran accountable for its activities.

hi... you no i gave the speech agin on the war support... to get it back from the public... dam it sure was a lot easyer gettin the war support when iraq had the wmd... now it is gettin harder and harder every week.
well you no what dear leader does in a sichuashin like this... he doubles down... yea thats right we are gonna libreate anther contray... and just guess wich one... did you say iran... well you gessed rite....
iran is gonna redeem our reputashin... we are gonna do such a good job with iran that peopl will qwit blamin us for iraq... and it will be the finil proof that the bush doctrin is a real good doctrin...
and we have lernt the lessins of iraq... and they are real clear lessins...
- first thing... fine out what langwige they speek in the contry you are gonna libreate... we think they speak arbic in iran but we got someone checkin that out... and we will fine out for shure.
- and you gotta make it real claer that theres not supposed to be any civil wars and stuff... we got marines in iran rite now checkin it out and seein if there is any sexual rivelries...
- and wen we liberate a contry they gotta start lovin freedom rite away... be cause if there is too many freedom haters setting off IUDs then... it is real hard to make a new democrasy.
- you gotta have enouf troops too... at the meetin i asked rummy how many troops we are gonna need for the iran operashin... and he looks down at a peeace of paper and he says no more than 2 or 3000 troops... and then he got all pale and started pukin... there sure has been a lot of pukin around here last few weeks...
bye for now
Well, if you let the people of Emerica know that liberatin' Iran is like shoppin' in K-mart when teh blu lite is own they will understand the bargin of gettin' two oil producing states for free... Um... I mean liberating two oil producing states for our interests... um... gosh... I mean turnin' two states into democracies for the price of one... um... well... you know what I'm sayin'
Sir, you have to watch out for Rummy. I think he's lost his nerve. You won't need more than 500-1,000 troops to take over Iran. Remember they're all Arabs and ragheads and stuff so they're real stoopid and will be easily defeated.
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